A big barrier that prevents consumers from buying online is the difficulty involved in making a purchase including the input of a large amount of information. Amazon does a great job of making their online shopping experience as easy as possible and is one of the reasons for their huge success and popularity.
Fab are another company that are making an online purchase a quick and easy process. Yesterday, I purchased a new watch in about 2 minutes without the need to input my name, address or payment card details and there was no need to setup a password.
By using ‘Login with Facebook‘ (previously known as Facebook Connect) and PayPal the whole process was completed with 8 clicks. Facebook provided my name, address and email to Fab and PayPal just required my password and 3 clicks.
The Fab site was drawn to my attention on my Facebook newsfeed after one of my Facebook friends had made a purchase. As a shopper you can choose whether to share your purchase and I’m sure plenty of people do. A great way to spread the word about your ecommerce business and another advantage of using allowing customers to use Facebook to login.
If you’re a business selling products online or as a shopper, what are your thoughts on Login with Facebook? Let me know in the comments below. Thank you.