Below are some hacks (or tips) that will help you solve some pesky Facebook issues. I’ve called them hacks as most aren’t documented by Facebook and some you won’t have read about anywhere else.
How to break the link between Facebook and Twitter
Do you want to stop your Facebook posts being published automatically on Twitter? If not, you should! The most common way (5 million+) of linking the 2 social networks is by using the Twitter app but it can be difficult to uninstall and break the link. The easiest way is to go to and uninstall or uncheck options as appropriate.
How to invite all your Friends to a Facebook Page event
To invite all your Friends or everyone on a Friend’s list, install the Facebook Invite All extension to a Chrome browser. Select the Invite Friends button then Search by Name or a list. Scroll down to the very bottom of the list, and then click the extension icon on the top right of your browser bar. All Friends will then be invited and you can uncheck those you don’t wish to invite. If you’re inviting several hundred friends the browser might appear to crash but if you wait a minute or so it should complete the task.
How to get Facebook Graph Search
Frustrated that you haven’t yet got Facebook’s new snazzy search that was launched over a year ago in January 2013? Go to the cog symbol on the top right and select Settings then under General switch to English (US). You should be able to use the new and improved search straight away. Read 5 ways to use Graph Search to attract visitors.
How to contact Facebook about a Page problem
Here’s the form you need to contact Facebook about an issue with your Page, but don’t expect an immediate reply. Facebook has just over 6000 employees but there are 1.3 billion users.
Unable to add a Facebook Admin?
If you are unable to add an Admin to your Page make sure that the intended Admin has Liked your Page. If you still have no joy then the hack is to friend the person you are trying to add. If you only have a business connection with them, you can always unfriend them afterwards. If you’re still having problems then try adding using their email address, but make sure it’s the address they use to login to Facebook.
If there’s something else you’re struggling to do on Facebook let me know in the Comments below or contact me.