Above is the replay of Monday 18 June’s The #SocialMediaShow, brought to you by Cardiff Social Media Agency, Intranet Future. Lots of news to get stuck into including “LinkedIn’s new kudos feature” plus I cover the rest of the week’s social media news and provide insights. In addition, there are the regular features – Headline, Question Time, Tools Talk plus Tip Of The Week.
The #SocialMediaShow is aimed at people who use social media for business and it’s purpose is to increase your knowledge and help you take advantage of the latest new features and social media trends. If you would like daily updates of new social networking features delivered via WhatsApp, please subscribe to The #SocialMediaDaily.
Headline: World Cup 2018: How will social media affect the England squad? caught my eye on BBC News.
Question time: Are you linking your social media posts to the World Cup? Let me know in the Comments below.
Tip Of The Week: Click names of people who’ve liked your Page Post then invite them to Like your Page.
Tools Talk: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/ – great for sourcing SEO keywords and hashtags.
Word of the Week: Newsjacking – The practice of taking advantage of current events or news stories in such a way as to promote or advertise one’s product or brand. (Source: Oxford Dictionaries).
Number Of The Week: 33%. Nearly a third of UK clothing shoppers use social media to inspire their clothing choices. (Source: Global Data).
1. Advertisers using custom audiences on Facebook Ads will now have to specify origin of data. Facebook will also share the source of the information and specify if the advertiser is able to reach users through their phone number or email address within a drop-down menu from the ads.
2. Facebook has launched a new eCommerce review option inside its Recent Ads Activity dashboard. It allows buyers to send feedback on products being advertised. Any negative responses will be shared with advertisers in the hope that they’ll improve their practices. If they don’t, Facebook will reduce the number of ads that particular business can run or kick them off the network.
3. Facebook has released 454 pages of follow-up answers to the US Senate Judiciary Committees’ questions and you can read via these 2 links: Answers 1 and Answers 2.
4. Facebook is rolling out a new Create Button for desktop on the top navigation bar that allows users to quickly and easily create a Page, Ad, Group, and more. I’ve not seen this in the UK yet but will keep you informed.
5. Facebook is testing a QR code feature for Pages. Users can Like or Check-in by scanning a QR code setup by the Page Admin.
6. Facebook is setting up A/B testing for posts. This will be really handy for social media managers who can easily compare one post with another and to learn what works and what doesn’t.
7. Facebook has launched a new Memories section bringing existing sections together. It contains On This Day, Friends Made On This Day, Recaps of Memories, and Memories You May Have Missed.
8. Facebook is going to cut down on those irritating ‘Now Connected on Messenger’ alerts which I’ve always thought totally pointless (for the user – they keep people on FB). The only time your should receive a notification of this nature is when someone who isn’t you FB friend connects with you on Messenger.
9. Facebook is working on its own Influencer Marketplace platform. An interesting development. The Influencer Market Place will be a platform for influencers to register on. If a company is interested in collaborating with an influential creator, they will be able to use this new platform and choose a suitable creator using search and filters.
10. One for Facebook Page Admins – Facebook has a new ‘founding members’ badge for Groups which will be rolled out over the coming weeks.
11. Instagram are rolling out shopping tags to Stories so businesses can add a shopping basket icon and price to items. Great news if you would like to sell products via Instagram.
12. Facebook notifications now appear in Instagram and users don’t like it. Many Instagram users have jumped ship to Instagram, wanting to leave Facebook behind.
13. The new Instagram ‘Quick Replies’ feature is being rolled out for more users. You can set shortcuts to responses that you use often.
14. There’s now a launch date for the new long form video hub previously reported and it’s this week – Wednesday 20 June. It will be interesting to see how it works and how well it will be received.
15. A previously flagged up feature showing how long you’ve spent on the app – Instagram Usage Insights – is being seen by more users. How long are you spending on Instagram?
16. Instagram is working on a feature that will allow you to delete the last Direct Message you’ve sent.
17. Instagram is working on video and photo stickers in Stories. Video stickers will be handy for creating a collage of photos or images and adding to a Story. Videos can be created or like photos selected from your photo library or gallery.
18. Instagram is removing the Other inbox so you’re less likely to miss messages. A good move bringing it inline with Facebook.
19. Instagram has stopped notifying people when someone takes a screenshot of their story. It was a test all along apparently and not a bona fide feature.
20. LinkedIn has introduced Carousel Ads (up to 10 images/photos that a user can scroll through). These work pretty well on Facebook so could be worth experimenting with.
21. Following the introduction of “Following hashtags” as reported last week, LinkedIn now suggests appropriate hashtags you can add to your post.
22. Further to the recent report on LinkedIn including commute times to jobs on job listings, it will be Bing Maps that are used to provide the data.
23. Another brand new feature from LinkedIn this week called Kudos. It allows you to send a “thank you” along with an illustration via a post to a connection in a fun and easy way. For example, you’ll be able to say thanks to someone for being a ‘Team Player’ or an ‘Amazing Mentor’. It will appear first in the iOS app and indeed I’ve had access to it from the weekend. For some reason you are limited to sending just 4 per week.
23. Twitter is rolling out new event pages with curated tweets, Moments and live video all in one place. Good to see a positive change at Twitter although you could hardly call it innovative! However, some users aren’t happy as you can see from the replies beneath the announcement – read here.
24. Twitter has introduced an infographic with British Summer Events you can ‘newsjack’ plus association stats – view Summer Events infographic.
Noorlands Guld is launching a world’s first innovation: Cold beers served with #WorldCup2018 tweets printed right onto the foam. Introducing “The Social Beer,” because it can only be better to “follow social media live on your beer” instead of your phone!
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