A Facebook Page is a great place to show off and sell tasty looking food products and the English Cheesecake Company Page is a fantastic example.
The following are features of the Page that stand out:
- Eye catching cover photo
- Link to Christmas competition (select photo above)
- Encouragement to order beneath logo including link to website
- Use of Facebook Shop with cheesecake pics and social sharing buttons
- Professionally taken photos of cheesecakes accompany most posts
- Use of Polls to ask fans to vote on top flavours
In addition, posts are made regularly and responses to questions from fans are made promptly and fans are engaged with questions and requests to name special occasion cakes.
This approach combined with use of Facebook Ads has seen the number of Fans on the Page increase from 2,000 to over 25,000 in just over a year.
Facebook certainly works for The English Cheesecake Company with 30% of sales coming through their Page.
If you have a Facebook Page success story please share in the Comments section below.