Obtain more newsletter subscribers with Timeline

The new Facebook Timeline for Business Page has now been rolled out to all Facebook Page. Timeline has a number of advantages including the tabs at the top of the page which are now more noticeable and provide more space to display content. A tab provides a great platform for increasing subscribers to your email newsletter.

Here are 5 tips:

  1. Set up an application tab containing an email form – most newsletter provides such as Aweber which I use provide an application or code that you can use to create a email sign up form on Facebook. Check your email newsletter providers Help section for more info.
  2. Place the tab next to the Photo tab – select the down arrow to the right of tabs and then the pencil edit icon on your newsletter tab where you’ll see an option to swap with another tab.
  3. Use the headline to promote the key benefit of your email newsletter eg Free Tips – In your Admin Panel go to Manage/Edit Page/Apps, your email form app, then Go to application and change the Box Title to the heading you require.
  4. Customise the icon with an appropriate email newsletter icon.
  5. Finally to highlight your new tab, create a Facebook post linked to your app tab then Pin it to the top of your Page – select the pencil edit icon to the right of your post then Pin to top.


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