Following on from 10 things to do to your Facebook Page immediately here’s the Twitter equivalent. They are 10 tips taken from 100 Twitter Tips which you can download if you pay with a tweet!
If you like a tip, please copy it and tweet adding ‘via @intranetfuture #TwitterTips’ or share it to Facebook. Thank you.
1) Either on your background, profile photo or header you should display a head shot of the person tweeting.
2) Customise your background design with your brand, contact details and pics of who’s tweeting.
3) Make your Bio interesting and engaging. Include keywords.
4) Did you know your Bio supports clickable hyperlinks, account names and hashtags? Add them if appropriate.
5) Give your profile and header photo files a SEO friendly name eg the name of your business.
6) Create a strong unique password for Twitter (and everywhere for that matter). See previous article – ‘How to change your Twitter and LinkedIn passwords‘.
7) Don’t forget to add your website address to the website field. Setting/Profile/Website.
8) Use Discover/Activity to see who people you follow are following. Handy for getting useful suggestions for you to follow.
9) Regularly change your profile pic to keep your profile fresh.
10) Use ‘https’ for improved security. Go to Settings and check the box next to “Always use HTTPS”.
Bonus tip: Review your apps regularly and revoke permissions to those that you no longer need to reduce the risk of being hacked.