On Monday 19 November’s The #SocialMediaShow I reviewed the past week’s social media news looking at a number of exciting features launched by Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Watch the replay above to learn how you can get ahead of the curve by using these new features to grow your business. For example, promote your events using LinkedIn’s new events feature and sell your products with the latest shopping features from Instagram.
The #SocialMediaShow is aimed at people who use social media for business and it’s purpose is to increase your knowledge and improve your use of social media for your business, organisation or charity.
If you have any comments or questions on the latest news or any aspect of social media please post in the Comments here or on Facebook under the video.
If you would like details and a quote for tailor made one-to-one training or an in-house workshop where I’ll demonstrate how you can make the most of social media for your business, organisation or charity, please get in touch.
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For some expert advice, get in touch for a no-strings chat about how I can help you optimise your use of social media to achieve your business goals.