LinkedIn makes changes to ‘profile completeness’

According to the LinkedIn blog the calculation of ‘profile completeness’ has now changed with more emphasis being put on items you can control and less emphasis put on items you can’t control.

So the Skills and Expertise section is now included but less weight is given to recommendations. The simple and straightforward advice is to complete your LinkedIn profile as this makes it far more more likely that people will find you. For example, according to LinkedIn a profile photo makes it 7 times more likely that you’ll show up in searches.

The Skills and Expertise section is a great way to showcase your talents and demonstrate that you’re an expert in your subject. Not only is it displayed on your profile but you and your skills can also be found when people search on the Skills and Expertise page. Here you can also find out more about particularly skills and whether they are ‘hot’. You can add your Skills and Expertise here or via your profile.

If you don’t have the Skills and Expertise section on your profile then go to ‘Add sections’ underneath the top block section and select from the list to add.

I’ll be talking more about this and other ways to make you more visible on LinkedIn at my next LinkedIn Masterclass on Thursday 29 March.

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